- November 8, 2024: Website Tweaks for Maximum Impact: Small Changes, Big Results (Stones River Regional Library, webinar)
- November 20, 2024: Webinar Wizardry: Transforming Your Presentation from Meh to Memorable (webinar, NEFLIN)
- December 11, 2024: Website Tweaks for Maximum Impact: Small Changes, Big Results (NEFLIN, webinar)
- January 9, 2025: Sunset Strategies: Knowing when and how to pull the plug (TBLC, webinar)
- January 29, 2025: Future Forward: Emerging Tech Trends (NEFLIN, webinar)
Past (Incomplete listing):
- October 16, 2024: PDF Accessibility 101: Making Your Documents Inclusive (webinar, NEFLIN)
- September 18, 2024: Navigating the Future: Exploring Technology Trends in 2024 (WVLS, webinar)
- August 28, 2024: How to Create Accessible PDFs (RAILS, webinar)
- August 15, 2024: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (IHLS, webinar)
- July 24, 2024: Making Your Website More Accessible (RAILS & IHLS, webinar)
- June 13, 2024: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (SWFLN, webinar)
- May 2024: Copyright Basics for all Library Staff (recorded, WVLS)
- May 21st, 2024: Navigating the Future: Exploring Technology Trends in 2024 (OPLIN, webinar)
- May 16th, 2024: Introduction to Web Accessibility & Usability: Part 2 (ALA, webinar)
- May 15th, 2024: Introduction to Web Accessibility & Usability: Part 1 (ALA, webinar)
- May 14th, 2024: Trends in Emerging Tech (CALL, webinar)
- April 10, 2024: Copyright Basics for All Library Staff (PLAN, webinar)
- March 27, 2024: Trends in Emerging Tech (PLAN, webinar)
- March 26, 2024: Using Social Media Through Change and Chaos (ALA, webinar)
- March 20th, 2024: Introduction to Web Accessibility (Novare Library Services, webinar)
- March 19th, 2024: Navigating the Future: Exploring Technology Trends in 2024 (OPLIN, webinar)
- March 5th, 2024: Trends in Emerging Tech (CALL, webinar)
- February 21, 2024: Useful AI Tools (PLAN, webinar)
- February 8, 2024: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- February 7, 2024: Useful AI Tools (SAILOR E-Resource Symposium, webinar)
- January 24, 2024: Color Me Digital: Color Theory in Online Marketing and Social Media (WVLS, webinar)
- January 17, 2024: Auditing Library Websites (NCompass, webinar)
- January 16, 2024: Navigating the Future: Exploring Technology Trends in 2024 (OPLIN, webinar)
- January 10, 2024: Getting a Glow-Up: Website Makeovers in Real Time (PLAN, webinar)
- December 20 , 2023: How to Create Accessible PDFs (PLAN, webinar)
- December 11, 2023: Copyright Basics for All Library Staff (TBLC, webinar)
- December 6, 2023: Color Me Digital: Color Theory in Online Marketing and Social Media (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 5th, 2024: Trends in Emerging Tech (CALL, webinar)
- November 28, 2023: Useful AI Tools (ALA, webinar)
- November 15, 2023: Making Your Website More Accessible (Without Rebuilding from the Ground Up) (PLAN, webinar)
- October 18, 2023: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (NEFLIN, webinar)
- October 17, 2023: Using Social Media Effectively Through Change & Chaos (ALA,webinar)
- September 20 & 21, 2023: Introduction to Web Accessibility and Usability (ALA, 2-part course)
- September, 2023: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (Novare Library Services, recorded webinar)
- September 14, 2023: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (PLAN, webinar)
- September 5, 2023: Quick Fixes: Make Your Webkit Content More Accessible (OPLIN, webinar)
- August, 2023: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (WVLS, recorded webinar)
- August 3, 2023: Color Me Digital: Color Theory in Online Marketing and Social Media (PLAN, webinar)
- June 2023: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (Novare Library Services, recorded webinar)
- May 24, 2023: The Metaverse: What Is It and Should Libraries Care? (TBLC, webinar)
- May 11, 2023: Free Online Tools to Increase Your Workflow & Productivity (PLAN, webinar)
- May 3, 2023: Marketing with Memes & GIFs: Best Practices & Things to Avoid (Novare Library Services, webinar)
- April 25, 2023: Color Me Digital: Color Theory in Online Marketing and Social Media (TBLC, webinar)
- March 22, 2023: Web3: Not Your Grandmother’s Web (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 16, 2023: The Metaverse: What Is It and Should Libraries Care? (PLAN, webinar)
- March 15, 2023: The Metaverse: What Is It and Should Libraries Care? (OPLIN, webinar)
- March 8, 2023: Web3: Not Your Grandmother’s Web (OPLIN, webinar)
- February 23, 2023: Free Tools for Working with Graphics and the Web (NEFLIN, webinar)
- February 15, 2023: Color Me Digital: Color Theory in Online Marketing and Social Media (SWFLN, webinar)
- January 25 & 26, 2023: Introduction to Web Accessibility & Usability (ALA, webinars)
- January 19, 2023: Web3: Not Your Grandmother’s Web (PLAN, webinar)
- January 11, 2023: The Metaverse: What Is It and Should Libraries Care? (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 14, 2022: Working With What You’ve Got: Practical Tips for Improving Your Library’s Website (SWLS, webinar)
- November 17, 2022: Copyright Basics for All Library Staff (PLAN, webinar)
- November 16, 2022: Free Online Tools to Increase Your Workflow & Productivity (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 10, 2022: Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Library (SWLS, webinar)
- November 3, 2022: Continuing Education Forum (COSLA, webinar)
- October 4, 2022: Social Media for Libraries: Its Importance, Platforms, Tools, Best Practices and Key Challenges (National Library of Qatar, webinar)
- September 15, 2022: Social Media Content Trends for 2022/2023 and Beyond (WVLS, webinar)
- September 20, 2022: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (WVLS, webinar)
- September 7, 2022: How to Create Accessible PDFs (OPLIN, webinar)
- September 1, 2022: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- August 18, 2022: Introduction to Web Accessibility and Usability: Part One (ALA, webinar)
- August 25, 2022: Introduction to Web Accessibility and Usability: Part Two (ALA, webinar)
- August 3, 2022: Introduction to Web Accessibility (NEO-RLS, webinar)
- July 19, 2022: Emojis: What are They, Where Did They Come From, and Can they Help with Marketing? (NEFLIN, webinar)
- July 7, 2022: Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- May 5, 2022: How to Create Accessible PDFs (TBLC, webinar)
- April 29, 2022: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (Illinois Library Association, webinar)
- April 6, 2022: Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Library (OPLIN, webinar)
- April 5, 2022 :Free Online Tools for Creating Visual Content for Your Library’s Marketing (NORWELD, webinar)
- March 9, 2022: How to Create Accessible PDFs (PLAN, webinar)
- March 3, 2022: Marketing with Memes & GIFs: Best Practices & Things to Avoid (SWFLN, webinar)
- February 16, 2022: How to Create Accessible PDFs (PLAN, webinar)
- February 9, 2022: Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Library (SWLS, webinar)
- February 3, 2022: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- February 2, 2022: Marketing with Memes & GIFs: Best Practices, & Things to Avoid (PLAN, webinar)
- January 21, 2022: Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Library (PLAN, webinar)
- January 20, 2022: Web Mythology: What People Believe About Websites and Why They’re Wrong (TBLC, webinar)
- January 7, 2022: Writing for the Web: Getting People to Care (PLAN, webinar)
- January 6, 2022: Copyright Basics for All Library Staff (SWFLN, webinar)
- December 17, 2021: Trends in Digital Privacy: Is There Even Such a Thing? (PLAN, webinar)
- December 15, 2021: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 9, 2021: Web Mythology: What People Believe About Websites and Why They’re Wrong (ALA, webinar)
- November 18, 2021: Social Media Content Trends and Strategies (ALA, webinar)
- November 17, 2021: Choosing the Right Social Media Platforms for Your Library (Infobase, webinar)
- November 10, 2021: Free Online Tools for Creating Visual Content for Your Library’s Marketing (PLAN, webinar)
- November 4, 2021: Trends in Digital Privacy: Is There Even Such a Thing? (SCLS, webinar)
- November 3, 2021: Do This, Not That: Real Life Website Examples You Can Learn From (NEFLIN, webinar)
- October 26, 2021: Free Online Tools to Increase Your Workflow & Productivity (Infopeople, webinar)
- October 19, 2021: Emojis: What are They, Where Did They Come From, and Can they Help with Marketing? (SWFLN, webinar)
- October 15, 2021: Introduction to Web Accessibility (OLC, conference)
- October 5, 2021: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (TBLC, webinar)
- October 1, 2021: Marketing with Memes & GIFs: Best Practices, & Things to Avoid (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 29, 2021: Introduction to Web Accessibility (Louisiana State University, webinar)
- September 23, 2021: Working with What You’ve Got: Practical Tips for Redesigning Your Library’s Website (Infobase, webinar)
- September 16, 2021: Auditing Your Library’s Website: How to Benchmark What You’ve Got (Infobase, webinar)
- September 15, 2021: Free Online Tools to Increase Your Workflow & Productivity (WVLS, webinar)
- September 9, 2021: Making Your Website More Accessible (Without Rebuilding from the Ground Up) (Infobase, webinar)
- August 12, 2021: Social Media Content Trends for 2021 and Beyond (TBLC, webinar)
- August 3, 2021: Free Online Tools for Creating Visual Content for Your Library’s Marketing (NEFLIN, webinar)
- July 13, 2021: Making Your Website More Accessible Without Rebuilding It from the Ground Up (NEFLIN, webinar)
- June 1, 2021: Introduction to Web Accessibility (Infopeople, webinar)
- May 14, 2021: Create Your Best Website: Learning to Audit and Assess (Stone River Regional Library, TN, all-day workshop)
- May 11, 2021: Free Unique & Fun Tools to Help Keep You Sane (PLAN, webinar)
- May 5, 2021: Introduction to Web Accessibility (Suffolk Cooperative Library System NY, webinar)
- April 22, 2021: Web Mythology: What People Believe About Websites and Why They’re Wrong (ALA, webinar)
- April 13, 2021: When Webinars Attack: Getting from Tedious to Terrific (PLAN, webinar)
- April 6, 2021: Free Online Tools to Increase Your Workflow & Productivity (TBLC, webinar)
- April 2, 2021: Introduction to Web Accessibility (OPLIN, webinar)
- March 31, 2021: Social Media Content Trends for 2021 and Beyond (ALA, webinar)
- March 25, 2021: Having Fun: Free & Unique Internet Tools (Computers in Libraries, webinar)
- March 9, 2021: Social Media Content Trends for 2021 and Beyond (PLAN, webinar)
- February 16, 2021: Free Online Tools to Increase Your Workflow & Productivity (PLAN, webinar)
- January 28, 2021: Emojis: What are They, Where Did They Come From, and Can they Help with Marketing? (Wild Wisconsin web conference, webinar)
- January 12, 2021: Emojis: What are They, Where Did They Come From, and Can they Help with Marketing? (PLAN, webinar)
- December 17, 2020: A Librarian’s Guide to Using Images on the Web (ALA, webinar)
- December 15, 2020: Free Unique & Fun Tools to Help Keep You Sane (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 10, 2020: Making Your Website More Accessible Without Rebuilding It from the Ground Up (PLAN, webinar)
- December 9, 2020: Free Unique & Fun Tools to Help Keep You Sane (Infopeople, webinar)
- November 19, 2020: When Webinars Attack: Getting from Tedious to Terrific (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 18, 2020: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- November 17, 2020: Free Online Tools for Creating Visual Content for Your Library’s Marketing (PLAN, webinar)
- October 20, 2020: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (TBLC, webinar)’
- October 7, 2020: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (Maryland State Library, webinar)’
- October 1, 2020: Social Media Content Trends for 2020 and Beyond (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 16, 2020: Free Unique & Fun Tools to Help Keep You Sane (Wisconsin Valley Library Service, webinar)
- September 11, 2020: Evolving Technologies in Libraries (Keynote, PLAN Tech Day Conference)
- August 13, 2020: It’s Not Just About the Likes: Getting Strategic with your Library’s Social Media (Tennessee State Library & Archives, webinar)
- July 29, 2020: Free Unique & Fun Tools to Help Keep You Sane (TBLC, webinar)
- July 21, 2020: Work with What You’ve Got: Practical Tips for Redesigning Your Library’s Website (SWFLN, webinar)
- July 7, 2020: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (SWFLN, webinar)
- May 6, 2020: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (ALA, webinar)
- April 28, 2020: Toto, We’re Not in the Library Any More: Working Effectively Beyond Your Building’s Borders (webinar, NEFLIN)
- April 22, 2020: Toto, We’re Not in the Library Any More: Working Effectively Beyond Your Building’s Borders (webinar, SWFLN)
- April 20, 2020: Toto, We’re Not in the Library Any More: Working Effectively Beyond Your Building’s Borders (webinar, TBLC)
- April 17, 2020: Toto, We’re Not in the Library Any More: Working Effectively Beyond Your Building’s Borders (webinar, PLAN)
- April 16, 2020: Trends in Digital Privacy: Is There Even Such a Thing? (TBLC, webinar)
- April 10, 2020: Toto, We’re Not in the Library Any More: Working Effectively Beyond Your Building’s Borders (webinar, OPLIN)
- April 9, 2020: Web Mythology: What People Believe About Websites and Why They’re Wrong (PLAN, webinar)
- March 12, 2020: Web Mythology: What People Believe About Websites and Why They’re Wrong (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 10, 2020: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (PLAN, webinar)
- March 5, 2020: Responding to Negative Online Feedback (ALA, webinar)
- February 20, 2020: Trends in Digital Privacy: Is There Even Such a Thing? (NEFLIN, webinar)
- February 13, 2020: Technology Trends for 2020 (PLAN, webinar)
- February 12, 2020: Auditing Your Library’s Website: How to Benchmark What You’ve Got (TBLC, webinar)
- February 5, 2020: Free Online Tools for Working With and Managing Social Media (Infopeople, webinar)
- January 22, 2020: Introduction to Website Accessibility (Wisconsin Valley Library Service, webinar)
- January 15, 2020: Trends in Digital Privacy: Is There Even Such a Thing? (PLAN, webinar)
- December 11, 2019: Auditing Your Library’s Website: How to Benchmark What You’ve Got (PLAN, webinar)
- November 13, 2019: Free Online Tools for Working with and Managing Social Media (PLAN, webinar)
- October 30, 2019: Introduction to Website Accessibility (PLAN, webinar)
- October 23, 2019: Introduction to Website Accessibility (Infopeople, webinar)
- September 20, 2019: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for Your Library (PLAN, webinar)
- September 18, 2019: Free Online Tools for Working with Social Media (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 10, 2019: Auditing Your Library’s Website: How to Benchmark What You’ve Got (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 9, 2019: Writing for the Web (PLAN, webinar)
- June 5, 2019: Introduction to Website Accessibility (NEFLIN, webinar)
- June 4, 2019: Work with What You’ve Got: Practical Tips for Redesigning Your Library Website (PLAN, webinar)
- May 16, 2019: Is Your Website an Obstacle Course? (Rodman Chamber of Commerce, lecture)
- May 15, 2019: Free Tools for Working with Graphics and the Web (NEO-RLS, webinar)
- May 7, 2019: Online Privacy for Library Staff and Users (PLAN, webinar)
- April 17, 2019: Library Website Best Practices (Texas Library Association annual conference)
- April 9, 2019: Free Tools for Working with Graphics and the Web (Infopeople, webinar)
- April 4, 2019: How to Fix the 25 Most Common Library Website Problems, (ALA, webinar)
- April 2, 2019: Is Your Library’s Website an Obstacle Course? (PLAN, webinar)
- March 19, 2019: Tech trends that may (or may not) affect libraries 2019 (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 14, 2019: Tools to Improve Your Workflow and Increase Productivity (NEO-RLS, webinar)
- March 12, 2019: Free Tools for Working with Graphics an the Web (OPLIN, webinar)
- March 5, 2019: Emerging Tech Trends for Libraries (PLAN. webinar)
- February 5, 2019: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (OPLIN, webinar)
- February 4, 2019: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (PLAN, webinar)
- January 23, 2019: Emerging Tech Trends (Infopeople, webinar)
- January 22, 2019: Is Your Library’s Website an Obstacle Course? (SWON, webinar)
- January 15, 2019: Tech trends that may (or may not) affect libraries 2019 (OPLIN, webinar)
- January 10, 2019: Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- January 7, 2019: Free Tools for Working with Graphics and the Web (PLAN, webinar)
- December 4, 2018: Library Website Design: Is Your Site an Obstacle Course? (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 3, 2018: Copyright Basics for All Library Staff (PLAN, webinar)
- November 27, 2018: It’s Not Just About the Likes: Getting Strategic with your Library’s Social Media (Texas State Library, webinar)
- November 20, 2018: Work With What You’ve Got: Practical Tips for Redesigning Your Library Website (Texas State Library, webinar)
- November 13, 2018: The State of Social Media: Trends & Challenges (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 6, 2018: Is Your Library’s Site Living Its Best Life? (Texas State Library, webinar)
- November 5, 2018: Getting Started with Evernote (PLAN, webinar)
- October 16, 2018: Free Tools for Working with Graphics and the Web (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 17-20, 2018: All-day workshops for Wisconsin libraries (Wisconsin Valley Library Service, in-person)
- September 12, 2018: Library Website Design: Is Your Site an Obstacle Course? (NEO-RLS, webinar)
- August 15, 2018: How to Fix the 25 Most Common Library Website Problems (ALA, webinar)
- July 10, 2018: Planning a Website Redesign (NEFLIN, 4-part webinar series)
- June 5, 2018: Getting Started with Evernote (NEFLIN, webinar)
- May 30, 2018: Creating a Social Media Policy for Your Library (ALA, webinar)
- May 8, 2018: Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries 2018 (Infopeople, webinar)
- April 19, 2018: Free Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (Computers in Libraries conference)
- April 10, 2018: Beyond Basic Social Media: Moving Towards Content Marketing (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 29, 2018: Tools to Improve Your Workflow and Increase Productivity (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 15, 2018: Introduction to Snapchat (PLAN, webinar)
- March 8, 2018: Handling Negative Feedback Online: Strategies for your Library (Infopeople, webinar)
- March 7, 2018: Tweaking Twitter: Best Practices for Libraries (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 6, 2018: Pain-Free Presentations: Don’t Bore Your Audience to Tears (PLAN, webinar)
- February 28, 2018: Beyond Basic Social Media: Moving Towards Content Marketing (PLAN, webinar)
- February 14, 2018: Online Privacy for Library Staff and Users (OPLIN, webinar)
- February 12, 2018: What Can Libraries Count?: Getting a Grip on Social Media Numbers (TBLC, webinar)
- February 6, 2018: Planning a Website Redesign (PLAN, 4-part webinar series)
- February 1, 2018: Pain-Free Presentations: Don’t Bore Your Audience to Tears (NEFLIN, webinar)
- January 17, 2018: Level Up Your Library to Content Marketing (ALA, webinar)
- January 11, 2018: Emerging Tech Trends (NEFLIN, webinar)
- January 8, 2018: 25 Problems on Library Websites and How to Fix Them (PLAN, webinar)
- December 18, 2017: Tools to Improve Your Workflow and Increase Productivity (PLAN, webinar)
- December 7, 2017: Handling Trolls & Negative Feedback Online (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 6, 2017: How to Fix the 25 Most Common Library Website Problems (ALA, webinar)
- November 16, 2017: Online Privacy for Patrons and Staff (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 9, 2017: Protecting Your Online Privacy: Risks & Strategies (Infopeople, webinar)
- October 17, 2017: Content Marketing: Beyond the Random Post (Infopeople, online course)
- October 12, 2017: Copyright Basics for Library Staff (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 13-15, 2017: Emerging Tech Trends (NICOLET, workshops)
- June 28, 2017: Emerging Tech Trends: Part III (OPLIN, webinar)
- June 14, 2017: How to Fix the 25 Most Common Library Website Problems (ALA, webinar)
- June 8, 2017: Writing a Library Social Media Policy (NEFLIN, webinar)
- May 23, 2017: Emerging Tech Trends in Libraries – Part 7 (Infopeople, webinar)
- May 18, 2017: Absolutely Free (and Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed: 2017 Edition (NEFLIN, webinar)
- April 19, 2017: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (NEFLIN, webinar)
- April 4, 2017: Emerging Tech Trends: Part II (OPLIN, webinar)
- March 23, 2017: What Can Libraries Count? Getting a Grip on Social Media Numbers (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 19, 2017: Social Media Beyond the Basics: an Intro to Content Marketing (Community Virtual Library, Second Life)
- March 15, 2016: Introduction to Content Marketing (NEO-RLS, webinar)
- March 9, 2016: The Librarian’s Nitty-Gritty Guide to Content Marketing Workshop (ALA, webinar)
- February 21, 2017: Emerging Tech Trends (Infopeople, webinar)
- February 16, 2017: How to Draw Attention Your Library’s Social Media Posts (NEFLIN, webinar)
- February 6, 2017: The Librarian’s Nitty-Gritty Guide to Content Marketing (Tampa Bay Library consortium, all-day workshop)
- January 31, 2017: Introduction to Content Marketing (SWON, webinar)
- January 26, 2017: Emerging Tech Trends for 2017 (OPLIN, webinar)
- January 25, 2017: Absolutely Free (and Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (NICOLET, web conference)
- January 10, 2017: An Introduction to Content Marketing (Infopeople, online course)
- December 14, 2016: Taking Advantage of Emerging Tech in 2017 Workshop(ALA, webinar)
- November 17, 2016: 25 Problems on Library Websites (and How to Fix Them) (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 16, 2016: Making Your Images Ready for the Web (OPLIN, webinar)
- November 9, 2016: Visual Content: Level Up Your Social Media (Indiana Library Federation conference)
- November 9, 2016: Absolutely Free (and Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed: 2016 Edition (Indiana Library Federation conference)
- November 2, 2016: How to Draw Attention Your Library’s Social Media Posts (NEO-RLS, webinar)
- October 25, 2016: Emerging Tech Trends (Infopeople, webinar)
- October 13, 2016: Bleeding Edge or Comfortable Cliff? Technology Trends for 2017 (NEFLIN, webinar)
- October 4, 2016: Effective Social Media Strategies for Your Library (Infopeople, online course)
- September 21, 2016 Down & Dirty Social Media: When the Novelty Wears Off (NICOLET, webinar)
- September 15, 2016: Down & Dirty Social Media: When the Novelty Wears Off (NEFLIN, webinar)
- September 13, 2016: 25 Problems on Library Websites (and How to Fix Them) (OPLIN, webinar)
- August 25, 2016: The Year Ahead with Infopeople: Learning You Want and Need (Infopeople, panel webinar)
- August 24, 2016: What Can Libraries Count? Getting a Grip on Social Media Numbers (TechSoup, webinar)
- July 26, 2016: Visual Content: Level Up Your Social Media (OLSSI conference) Slides
- July 20, 2016: The Librarian’s Nitty-Gritty Guide to Content Marketing (ALA, webinar)
- July 12, 2016: Useful and Free Online Tools (Infopeople, online course)
- June 15, 2016: Tech Trends Update (Infopeople, webinar)
- May 16, 2016: Down and Dirty Social Media (Massachusetts Library Association conference)
- April 13, 2016: Content Marketing & Strategy: Getting Started (Infopeople, webinar)
- March 31, 2016: Online Content Marketing & Strategy: What’s Next? (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 2, 2016: Visual Content: Level Up Your Social Media (Infopeople, webinar)
- February 18, 2016: Online Content Marketing & Strategy: Getting Started, Making it Better (NEFLIN, webinar)
- January 13, 2016: Level Up Your Career with Personal Branding (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 10, 2015: Content Marketing & Strategy: Getting Started (NICOLET, webinar)
- December 9, 2015: Emerging Tech Trends (Infopeople, webinar)
- November 19, 2014: A bit about me and Drupal (UIUC GSLIS – LIS590LWL, webinar)
- November 18, 2015 Absolutely Free (and Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (Indiana Library Federation conference)
- November 4, 2015: Visual Content: Level Up Your Social Media (NEFLIN, webinar)
- October 20, 2015: Visual Content: Level Up Your Social Media (NICOLET, webinar)
- September 18, 2015: Online Content Marketing & Strategy: Getting Started, Making It Better (SELFIN, webinar)
- September 9, 2015: Getting Started with Evernote (Infopeople, webinar)
- July 27, 2015: Absolutely Free (And Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (OLSSI conference)
- May 19, 2015: Content Marketing & Strategy (Novare Library, webinar)
- March 16, 2015: How to Fail at Social Media (Guiding Ohio Online, webinar)
- February 19, 2015: 23 (Mobile) Things: Evernote (NEFLIN, webinar)
- February 11, 2015: 23 (Mobile) Things: Spotify (NEFLIN, webinar)
- January 22, 2015: 23 (Mobile) Things: Twitter (NEFLIN, webinar)
- December 5th, 2014: Absolutely Free (And Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (Napa County Library, webinar)
- November 18, 2014: Tools to Enhance Websites and Marketing (PCI, webinar)
- November 17, 2014: A bit about me and Drupal (UIUC GSLIS – LIS590LWL, webinar)
- November 12, 2014: Doing Social Media Like You Mean It (Novare Library, webinar)
- November 7, 2014: Tweaking Twitter (Southern Ontario Library Service, webinar)
- October 28, 2014: Tools to Connect with Library Users and the Community (PCI, webinar)
- October 21, 2014: Tools to Improve Your Workflow and Increase Productivity (PCI, webinar)
- October 8, 2014: Writing a Library Social Media Policy (OLC Annual Convention)
- September 30, 2014 : Useful online tools to increase your productivity & improve customer service (Infopeople online course)
- September 18, 2014: Doing Social Media So It Matters (Ontario Library Association, webinar)
- September 16, 2014: Absolutely Free (And Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (NEFLIN, webinar)
- August 6, 2014: Get Over Yourself: Improving Your Library’s Online Presence (Florida Library Webinars)
- May 27, 2014-June 17, 2014: Social Media Applications in Libraries (Infopeople course)
- May 15-16, 2014: Doing Social Media Like You Mean It (Southern Ontario Library Service workshop)
- May 1, 2014: What Your Tech Wants You to Know (OLC Central chapter conference)
- April 23, 2014: What Your Tech Wants You to Know (OLC North chapter conference)
- April 2nd, 2014: Writing a Library Social Media Policy (Infopeople, webinar)
- February 27th, 2014: Writing a Library Social Media Policy (PCI Webinars, webinar)
- January 29th, 2014: Absolutely Free (And Practically Unknown) Online Tools You Didn’t Know You Needed (Infopeople, webinar)
- January 28th, 2014: How to Hire a Library Tech (PCI Webinars, webinar)
- January 16th, 2014: Writing a Library Social Media Policy (Nicolet Federated Library System, webinar)
- January 9th, 2014: How to Fail at Social Media (Clarion University, webinar)
- December 11th, 2013: Pain-Free Presentations: Don’t bore your audience to tears (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 20th, 2013: Planning a Library Website Redsign: Part III(NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 13th, 2013: Planning a Library Website Redsign: Part II (NEFLIN, webinar)
- November 11, 2013: A bit about me and Drupal (UIUC GSLIS LEEP LIS590LWL/LW2, webinar)
- November 7 – December 9th, 2013: Refresh Your Library’s Website: Working with What You Have (Infopeople, online course)
- November 6th, 2013: Planning a Library Website Redsign: Part I (NEFLIN, webinar)
- October 29th, 2013: How to Fail at Social Media (Central NY Library Resources Council workshop)
- October 24th, 2013: Keynote, ALAO social media preconference
- October 22nd, 2013: What Your Tech Wants You to Know (Indiana Library Federation conference)
- October 18th, 2013: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (OELMA conference)
- October 16th, 2013: How to Hire a Library Tech (Infopeople, webinar)
- October 15th. 2013: Writing for the Web (Santa Clara County Library, webinar)
- October 14th, 2013: What Your Tech Wants You to Know (NEO-RLS staff day)
- October 3rd, 2013: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (PCI webinar)
- September 24-25, 2013: Social Media Bootcamp (NICCL)
- September 19th, 2013: Writing for the Web (PCI webinar)
- September 11th, 2013: What Your Tech Wants You to Know (Nicolet Federated Library System, webinar)
- July 31st, 2013: Get Over Yourself: Improving Your Library’s Online Presence (OLC New Directors workshop)
- July 29th, 2013: Death by Presentation: How Not to Murder Your Audience (OSSLI conference)
- June 19th, 2013: Ask the Expert: Responsive Web Design (ILEAD USA)
- June 18, 2013: Using Social Media for Projects (ILEAD USA)
- June 6, 2013: Get Over Yourself: Improve Your Library’s Online Presence (PCI webinar)
- May 23rd, 2013: When Webinars Attack: Getting from tedious to terrific (PCI webinar)
- April 24th, 2013: People are Talking About You, But Do You Know What They’re Saying? (Infopeople, webinar)
- April 18th, 2013: Library Leadership Ohio: Inspiring Future Leaders of Ohio Libraries (OLC North chapter conference)
- April 4th, 2013: What Your Tech Wants You to Know(NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 21st, 2013: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 20th, 2013: How to Fail at Social Media (Infopeople, webinar)
- March 13th, 2013: Put Down the Bullhorn: Promoting Your Library Online (NEFLIN webinar)
- March 7, 2013: Writing for the Web (NEFLIN, webinar)
- March 6th, 2013: How to Fail at Social Media (Community Virtual Library, Second Life)
- February 26th, 2013: Is Your Website ADA-Compliant? (NEFLIN webinar)
- February 21st, 2013: Teens, Tweens & Social Media (PCI webinar for state of Florida)
- February 14th, 2013: Tweaking Twitter (PCI webinar for state of Florida)
- February 13th, 2013: What Your Tech Wants You to Know (Infopeople, webinar) Slides
- February 7, 2013: Tweaking Twitter (Nicolet Federated Library System, webinar)
- February 7,2013: Writing for the Web (Nicolet Federated Library System, webinar)
- January 31, 2013: Fine-Tuning Facebook (PCI webinar for state of Florida)
- January 17, 2013: How to Fail at Social Media (PCI webinar for state of Florida)
- November 14, 2012: How to Fail at Social Media (Indiana Library Federation annual conference)
- September 25, 2012: Fine-Tuning Facebook (Nicolet Federated Library System, webinar)
- September 13, 2012: Teens, Tweens & Social Networking (Infopeople webinar) (Slides)
- August 23, 2012: Teens, Tweens & Social Networking (OLC Kids & Teens conference) (Slides)
- August 9, 2012: Writing for the Web (Infopeople webinar) (Slides)
- August 9, 2012: Put Down the Bullhorn: Promoting Your Library Online (NEO-RLS webinar) (Slides)
- July 18, 2012: Get Over Yourself: improving your library’s online presence (OLC New Directors workshop) (Slides)
- July 12, 2012: Fine-Tuning Facebook (Infopeople webinar)
- June 7, 2011: When Webinars Attack!: Getting from Tedious to Terrific (Infopeople webinar) Slides
- May 3, 2012: Fine-Tuning Facebook (OLC Southeast/Central Chapter conference)
- April 26, 2012: Fine-Tuning Facebook (OLC North Chapter conference)
- April 13, 2012: Fine-Tuning Facebook (OLC Northwest Chapter conference)
- March 21, 2012: Fine-Tuning Facebook (OLC Northeast Chapter conference)
- February 16, 2012: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (University of Hawaii, webinar)
- February 9, 2012: Is Your Website ADA Compliant? (Ohio Library Council, webinar)
- January 17, 2012: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now ((Nicolet Federated Library System, WI, webinar) Recording
- October 26, 2011: Fine-Tuning Facebook (OLC Convention) Slides
- October 26, 2011: Mobile Matters: Preparing for the Mobile Masses (OLC Convention) Slides
- October 20, 2011: Teens, Tweens & Social Networking (Nicolet Federated Library System, WI, webinar)
- September 12, 2011: Writing for the Web (State Library of Ohio)
- August 26, 2011: [Keynote, 1 session] (Jefferson County Library Cooperative, AL)
- August 9, 2011: How to Fail at Social Media (Tippecanoe County Public Library, IN Staff Day)
- August 2, 2011: Doing Social Media So It Matters (Ohio Library Support Staff Institute) Slides
- July 8, 2011: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (University of Hawaii webinar)
- June 14-July 11: Planning a Website Redesign (Infopeople online course)
- June 9, 2011: When Webinars Attack!: Getting from Tedious to Terrific (Ohio Library Council webinar) Slides
- May 12, 2011: OPLIN Webkits and Website Best Practices (SEO Users Group meeting)
- May 6, 2011: How to Fail at Social Media (And how to get it right) (IOLUG conference keynote) Slides
- May 5, 2011: How to Fail at Social Media (OLC Central/SE Chapter conference 2011) Slides
- May 5, 2011: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (OLC Central/SE Chapter conference 2011) Slides
- April 28, 2011: How to Fail at Social Media (OLC North Chapter conference 2011) Slides
- April 28, 2011: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (OLC North Chapter conference 2011) Slides
- April 20, 2011: How to Fail at Social Media (Trendy Topics 2011) Slides
- April 15, 2011: How to Fail at Social Media (OLC NW Chapter conference 2011) Slides
- April 15, 2011: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (OLC NW Chapter conference 2011) Slides
- March 21, 2011: Improve Your Website Now! Computers in Libraries, 2011 Slides
- February 23, 2011: Teens, Tweens & Social Networking (Infopeople webinar) Slides
- January 19, 2011 What’s New in Social Media? (NEO-RLS webinar) Slides
- November 16, 2010 Why Patrons Hate Your Library’s Website (Trendy Topics 2010) Slides
- November 11, 2010 Social Media: The Very Least Your Library Needs to Know (Medina County Public Library Staff Day) Slides
- November 11, 2010 Mobile Matters: The Very Least You Need to Know (Medina County Public Library Staff Day) Slides
- August 30, 2010: Why Patrons Hate Your Library’s Website (University of Hawaii webinar) Slides
- August 18, 2010: How to Create a Facebook Application (Tech Connections 2010)
- July 25, 2010: Saving Ohio Libraries (Ohio Library Support Staff Institute 2010, with Amanda Knapp)
- July 13, 2010: 20 Things You Can Do to Make Your Library’s Website Better Right Now (Trendy Topics 2010) Slides
- June 4, 2010: Facebook & Twitter: What your library REALLY needs to know (NORWELD webinar) Slides
- June 1-28, 2010: Getting Drupal Off the Ground (Infopeople online course)
- May 25, 2010: Facebook & Twitter: What your library REALLY needs to know (SWON Libraries webinar) Slides
- May 19, 2010: Digital Photo Managment for Libraries (Infopeople webinar)
- May 7, 2010: Teens, Tweens & Social Networking (NEO-RLS webinar) Slides
- April 15, 2010: Photo Finish: Online Photo Management (Texas Library Association annual conference) Slides
- March 2010: Open Office: What Libraries Need to Know (Infopeople webinar)
- February 4, 2010: Facebook & Twitter: What your library REALLY needs to know (SERLS webinar) Slides
- January 27, 2010: Panel on Drupal (CALIFA online conference) Slides
- September 8, 2009: Drupal: Community Plumbing for Public Libraries (NEO-RLS workshop) Slides
- December 8, 2009: Doing Social Media So it Matters (OLC Webinar) Slides
- August 28, 2009: Introduction to Drupal for Libraries (Infopeople webinar)
- August 11, 2009: Youth & Social Media: It’s All About Them(Youth Symposium) Slides
- April 1, 2009: Federated Search: Growing Your Own Tools (Computers in Libraries 2009) Slides
- March 18, 2009: People are talking about you, but do you know what they’re saying? (OHIONET webinar) Slides
- November 6, 2008: Pulling the Plug (OLC Innovative Environments conference, with Stephen Hedges) Slides
- September 28, 2008: Inspector Gadget: Gizmos @ Your Library (OLC Support Staff conference) Slides
- July 8, 2008: Getting a Second Life: An Introduction to the Metaverse for Libraries (OHIONET workshop) Slides
- 2008: Teens n tech: where r wii? (Youth Symposium) Slides
- 2008: Using WordPress for Internet Publishing (Tech Connections 8) Slides
- May 22, 2006: The Nuts n’ Bolts of Blogs and RSS (Tech Connections 7)