Apple and orange

You are not a patron. So act like it.

As a staff person, your view (mental model) of the library's website is incredibly different from that of a patron. It's so very different, that you can't even pretend to be a patron user.  It's vital that this is acknowledged.
a magic unicorn made of foil on a purple background with a place under the text

Why do web myths live on in libraries?

Why do these myths continue to be perpetuated in libraries? Perhaps because so many of us grew up alongside the web. We were initiated in the very early days, when it was truly a Wild West-type environment. Not everyone realizes…
5 quick fixes for your library's website

5 quick fixes for your library’s website

I’ve talked about all of these before, either in various presentations or blog posts.  If you’re looking for a quick tune-up for your library’s website, you might try starting with these: Cut the text on the homepage.  Nobody’s reading it. …
Carousels: time to go

Carousels: time to go

Carousels have almost become ubiquitous.  I am frequently asked about them when I start designing a site for a library.  I often. now, make it clear that these don’t represent a good design choice. Yes, they’re convenient. They seemingly solve…
I've got questions

Thinking about web analytics

(Today’s post is almost more of a question than anything else, so please post your thoughts in the comments.  I’m genuinely interested.) I’ve got questions. Most libraries have some form of web analytics, to measure at least the basics:  page…
Why your library's website layout matters

Why your website layout matters

From a usability perspective, layout has always been important.  If the tasks people come to do the most often are hidden, people leave your site, frustrated.  Recently, with the advent of mobile devices of all kinds, layout has also taken…
Is this the right word?

Is this the right word?

Yesterday was a Sunday, which usually means that I can be found sitting at my computer, working on my second book, while the rest of the world enjoys…well, everything else.  Suffice it to say, spending a gorgeous day inside working…

CSS Part I: Why you need them

scary words–> CASCADING STYLE SHEETS! <–scary words Are you scared?  Cowering in a corner?  (Okay, I suspected you weren’t.)   How about uncomfortable?  A teeny bit? If you’re a regular user of CSS, you probably think I’m a bit nuts. …

Polar bears, Che Guevara and porn

(Eric Jordan did an update to his first “Webmaster” vignette, and I’m posting it here for collective enjoyment.  Thanks, Eric!) Web Master 1.1 (I had enough fun with the first one, I decided to upgrade!) The Programmer approached the Web…

404: Houston, we have a problem

It happens all the time.  You’re looking for a web page.  You suddenly encounter a “404:  File Not Found” error.  Which usually means that the page you were has moved or no longer exists.  Perhaps you came to it through…

Signing in with ONE account

One of the most common complaints I’ve heard about using various web services and social networking sites is the need for multiple accounts; multiple user names, multiple passwords, multiple things to forget.  Who hasn’t used those handy “Forgot your password?”…